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Десятничук І. Вибори до першої Державної думи Російської імперії у Волинській губернії

Розділ: Суспільно-політичне життя краю

Мова документу: українська

Рік видання: 2017

Десятничук І. Вибори до першої Державної думи Російської імперії у Волинській губернії / І.Десятничук, І.Десятничук // Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії : зб. наук. пр. РДГУ / [редкол.: Р.Постоловський, Л.Шелюк, В.Шеретюк та ін.]. - Рівне, 2017. - Вип. 29. - С. 204-209.

Анотація: У статті висвітлюється підготовка та проведення виборів до Першої Державної думи Росії у 1906 р. на Волині. З’ясовано фактори, які впливали на вибір населення, політика влади в умовах першого в історії держави волевиявлення населення. Проаналізовано виборчій закон і процедуру обрання депутатів, реакцію на результати виборів в губернії влади та опозиції.  

The article highlights the preparation and conduct of elections to the First State duma of Russia in 1906 in Volyn. The factors found out of choice the population, the policy of power in the conditions of the first in the history of the state of the expression of will the population. The electoral law and procedure of election of deputies, the reaction to the results of elections in the governorate and the opposition are analyzed. Key words: province of Volyn, elections, State duma, electoral curia, peasants, landowners, burghers, property qualifications, electors, agitation. Elections to the State Duma of the Russian Empire became the first experience of political expression of will for thousands citizens. The Ukrainian empire for the first time was able to express at the official level their aspirations and expectations that ranged from the need to solve the agrarian question of attempts to solve painful national problems. In the Volyn province, which was the peripheral region of the empire, the corresponding processes acquired a peculiar character in view of the social composition of the population, the national-confessional picture and the policy of power. The results of the elections in the Volyn province can be estimated as a victory for government forces and defeat of the democratic opposition. This is evidenced by the absence of Volyn deputies in the Ukrainian community of the State Duma and their signatures under the Vyborg call after the dissolution of the Duma. If deputies from the number of landowners logically opposed the decision of the agrarian question through the alienation of land of large farms then peasant deputies, seeking land reform, expected it as a gift to the people from the king. The Ukrainian national question was not supported by the Volyn deputies due to the presence of Russians and Poles among parliamentarians, as well as the social origin and lack of education of Ukrainian deputies, which meant that they did not have Ukrainian national identity. Such consequences of the election should not be astonishing, since the greatest influence on the political choice of county voters in their totality could give signs of modernization development. The higher the level of development of industry, social mobility, welfare of the population, its general literacy and readiness for cultural innovations were in the level of development of industry, social mobility, welfare of the population, and less developed private peasant land tenure, the more oppositional-minded voters in the general composition of provincial election commissions.  And vice versa, the lower the levels of industrial development, social mobility, welfare of the population, its general literacy and readiness for cultural innovations, the more developed the private peasant land tenure, the more varied was the national composition of the population, the more conservative voters in the provincial assembly.

Джерело: Інституційний репозитарій Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету 

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